Play free online match 3 games at this arcade games site filled with casual matching puzzles. Most games have the same concept of making matches with at least three similar objects, there are a lot of original games like shooters, the always fun gem swapping games and a lot of collapse remakes.
Play: Inca Totems, Sheep Shuffle, Rune Monsters, Combo Break, ...
Match 3 Online
Playing game with Ruffle emulator, use Flash player instead.
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Umbrella TrickUmbrella Trick

Umbrella Trick Game is a unique adaptation of the classic combination games. The theme is monsoon with sounds and graphics adding to the essence. You have to match the umbrellas and move the floating boat to its destination.

Keep a check on the rainbow timer which cruises faster with levels. The frog will help the user at time of crisis and a hint will pop out in case the user can't think of any options. Excellent game play with unlimited levels will make this game a regular traffic spot for online gamers.
Caesar PizzaRome PuzzleJewels MagicPoclickFruit Crush FrenzyBubble BurstMarble GardenAmazon QuestBattle of LemoladBubble ShooterPenguin EscapePlanetary CollisionHexa ShiftRune MonstersAnimals: Crush!